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Vegetable Frittata

Written By Hcmc on Sunday, August 5, 2012 | 4:13 PM

If you ask me, the perfect vegetable frittata is airy and fluffy on the inside with a crispy, browned cheesy top, and bursts of flavor from the charred veggies in every delicious bite. Frittatas are surprisingly easy and quick to make and you can vary the veggies and cheeses you select, as almost any will do.

Today I used onions and sun-dried tomatoes because that's what I had on hand; and my beloved Parmigiano Reggiano, because you can never go wrong with that. If I'd pre-planned, I would have also added thick sliced fresh mushrooms, chunks of garden-ripe tomatoes, and perhaps some sliced zucchini, too. Oh, and creamy goat cheese would have been amazing, also!

Anyhoo, I used what I had on hand and it worked out juuuuust fine. I also leaned on this Alton Brown recipe for general guidance because it had been a strangely long while since the last time I had made a frittata. I will not make that mistake again. Frittata Friday anyone?

Vegetable Frittata
serves 4
ready in about 20 minutes

1 Tablespoon butter
1/2 medium-sized onion, sliced or thick chopped
6 eggs
3 teaspoons grated Parmigiano Reggiano
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper
1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes
large pinch of fresh chopped Italian parsley
1/4 cup shredded Parmigiano Reggiano

Set oven to broil.

Heat a 10-inch non-stick oven safe skillet on stovetop to medium-high.  Add butter and onion and saute for about 3 minutes.

While onions are cooking, beat eggs, grated Parmigiano Reggiano, salt and pepper in a bowl with a fork until blended (as you would for scrambled eggs). Set aside.

Add sun-dried tomatoes to skillet with onions and saute for about 1-2 minutes.

Pour egg mixture into skillet and stir with spatula, then cook for approximately 3-4 minutes until bottom is cooked but top is still very wet. Sprinkle fresh parsley and shredded Parmigiano Reggiano on top and place in oven under broiler.

Broil for approximately 2 1/2 - 3 minutes until eggs have puffed up and browned on top.

Slide from pan onto plate, slice and serve.

Excellent served any time of day alongside a mixed green salad dressed lightly with a lemony vinaigrette.

I also really enjoyed spreading a little wedge of Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Cheese to the top. It added a rich, creamy decadence for only a few more calories (+35 calories per wedge).

Frittatas are super easy and quick to make and look incredibly impressive when done - all puffed up and browned. Your guests will be amazed and wonder how you did it so effortlessly!


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